Short description
In 2021, the Universidad de Los Andes was selected by the Ministry of Health of Colombia to conduct a project providing technical support for the participatory process in developing the Ten-Years Public Health Plan of Colombia 2022-2031. Under the guidance of Oscar Bernal, a full professor at the School of Government, I coordinated the project’s operations. The project had a budget exceeding 2 million dollars.
More than 265 municipalities visited.
As part of the project, the team designed a methodology for the participation events, which were held in more than 265 municipalities. Over 8,600 people participated in these activities for the development of the plan.
Integrating the arts in the project
I had the opportunity to create an artistic exhibition showcasing the results of the participation process.
The process
The methodology included a section about the dreams and expectations that the communities had regarding public health issues. In this session, the participants created collective drawings to express their perceptions. With these results, I led the curation and organized the artistic exhibition titled «Dreams and Visions of Public Health in Colombia.» This exhibition included perceptions from all regions of the country.